What is the most effective way to learn Arabic?

There's a LOT of disagreement on the best route through Arabic. So far, based on what we've seen and read and heard, we'd do the following:

  • Start with our MSA pronunciation trainer
  • Then, if classical Arabic is important to you, then continue learning MSA. Go through the 625 list with a well-educated tutor, who knows MSA, and create sentences for your words, as per this guide: https://fluent-forever.com/italki-tutor-guide/
  • Keep learning sentences. If you're doing Islamic studies, then you'll probably want to move onto example sentences directly from the Quran. Fortunately it'll get easier to find recordings of those sentences! :)
  • Once you're satisfied with your level of MSA, then we'd move to a dialect. If it was us, we'd do Levantine, just because it's understandable in many regions and there are more media in that dialect. we'd get a Levantine tutor and start the language over from the 625 list, as if it were a new language.


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