If you can spare two hours a day for the next two months, We think it is absolutely doable to reach B1. Honestly, we think you’re going to be in really good shape for B1 if you can stick to that much time per day – even if you could do 1.5 hours or mayyybe one hour per day, we think you can still hit that goal.
If you’re already familiar with the method and have used it for some grammar, we’d strongly recommend switching over to this version of Fluent Forever: https://fluent-forever.com/hacking-fluent-forever/
From one hour of iTalki lessons a week, Gabe produced approximately enough new flashcards for a one-hour-a-day Japanese habit. We're not sure entirely how that would carry over to French, but we suspect you’ll want two or three hours of iTalki lessons per week (maybe start out with two per week).
In terms of content, we’d skip the "625 list", and jump straight into the Routledge Frequency Dictionary for French, generating personal example sentences with your tutor for every word you don’t know. Make them about your life – aside from making them more memorable, it’ll force you to actually use the words in a practical way, and it’ll increase your sentence complexity so that you’ll be able to make a lot of flashcards from each sentence.