What's the best way to create flashcards for short phrases or conversation in German?

You want to create flashcards for short phrases or conversation connectives such as: 

And you? - I come from... - But I live here in.... - How interesting! - What are your... - I like / don't like to....  

Maybe you have already created flashcards for these with a basic front to back flashcard but sadly, they have English on the back! (Which you want to eliminate if possible....)  So you're learning German, and your "Und du?" card is a creepy German soldier with a metal hat on (kind of memorable in your head). How do you eliminate the English with these kinds of flashcards?  

These sorts of phrases belong in conversations, which should be able to give you enough context to remove the English.

A: Wie geht's dir?

B: Gut, gut! Und du?

A: Es geht mir auch gut.

A: Wie geht's dir?

B: Gut, gut! ___

A: Es geht mir auch gut.

Pic: 2 people chatting (or your creepy German soldier)

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