What is the story behind Fluent Forever?

Fluent Forever's story began in 2004 when Gabe (our founder) needed to learn French and needed to learn it fast - in just 3 months!

Out of this seemingly impossible task the Fluent Forever method was born and since then it has helped thousands of language learners around the world.

It all began with a viral article that Gabe wrote for Lifehacker (and got 1.7m views!), and continued with the first Kickstarter campaign when Gabe raised $100K for the development of the very first language tools that can be used to learn with his method. Just one year later, the Fluent Forever book was published and not only did it get featured by Tim Ferris, but it also became a bestseller that was translated in 11 languages. In 2017, the second crowdfunding campaign for the creation of an app based on Gabe's method made the Fluent Forever app the most crowdfunded app in history. It raised $1.7m. from backers all over the world and thanks to their amazing support the official beta of the Fluent Forever app launched in 2018.

In 2019, the Fluent Forever app was released in the app stores. We are excited to see where our journey will take us and we are super happy to be a part of the journey to fluency in a foreign language of so many people around the world.






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