A key part of what makes our method successful is that your flashcards are created not with translation, but rather with images that you personally choose, which is critical for optimum memorization.
You’re far more likely to remember the Spanish word for dog – “perro” – when accompanied by an image of your cute dog, rather than a random dog you just found on the internet.
You can still add images from the search engine incorporated into the app, too. But adding your own personal images and gifs from your camera roll will help you create unique memories that are far easier for your brain to recall!
And if you’re feeling particularly artistic (or just need to be creative for illustrating those abstract words!), you can use the Draw tool!
How to do it
When you’re creating the card to add to your deck, choose the “camera” option in the image results. You’ll see the option to Take a Photo / Choose from your library / Draw a picture:
- Take a Photo - Take a photo there and then to add to your card.
- Choose from your library - Add a photo or gif you already have saved on your device.
- Draw a picture - Use the Draw tool to get creative and add this as an image to your card!