Bookshout is the service we use to provide non-Kindle ebooks. Please note, these FAQs are provided by Bookshout.The addresses and links in here lead to Bookshout and are not from Fluent Forever.
Where do I go to redeem my promotional code?
Please visit (or the URL that was provided to you) to redeem the promo code you received.
Do I need to create a BookShout account before I redeem the promo code?
No. In fact it is easier to redeem your promo code first. It will then walk you through the account creation steps so that you can read the book on the device of your choice. After entering your promo code and selecting the "Redeem" button, you will be prompted to create a new account. After you've created your account, you will be redirected to a confirmation page (if the promo code was correctly submitted) with follow-up steps detailing how to read your ebook.
I've successfully redeemed my promo code. Do I have to be connected to the internet in order to read it?
You are not required to be connected to the internet to read ebooks on BookShout. You do, however, need to be connected to the internet in order to download ebooks to your device so they're available for offline reading.
It says I've already redeemed the code?
If you receive an error message that says you have already redeemed your promo code on the promo code redemption page, then your book is now associated with your account. Please go to and sign to access your book.
Which devices can I use to read ebooks on BookShout? Can I read books on my Kindle or Nook?
BookShout ebooks can be read from supported Mac and PC web browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 10 & above), or on an iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets, Nook HD/HD+, Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire HDX using our mobile app. Please visit for direct links to download the BookShout app for your mobile device. The Kindle Paperwhite and other devices such as the original Kindle or original Kindle Fire are not supported.
What do I do if my promo code is not working?
If you receive an error when submitting a promo code, please double-check and make sure that you entered the code properly. Promo codes are frequently submitted incorrectly because additional characters were copied and pasted into the redemption code text box. If you're still experiencing problems with your promo code, please contact us at
How do I begin reading my ebook after I've redeemed the promo code?
When redeeming an ebook from your Mac or PC web browser, you can select the "Read Now" button on the confirmation page to begin reading your ebook. When redeeming an ebook from your mobile device, a BookShout app banner at the top of the page will appear with an "Install" button to download and install the app on your device. If you already have the BookShout app installed, an "Open" button will appear encouraging you to open the app and begin reading your ebook.
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