Answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive about language learning.
- How to join the exclusive Fluent Forever Language Learning Community
- Why is the IPA symbol of a minimal pair sometimes the same in both instances, while the sound is different?
- What do you mean by fluency?
- How should I incorporate a tutor into my language learning?
- How long does it take to get through the pronunciation trainer?
- What should I do if I'm traveling abroad soon and don't know the language?
- Should I pick an image for the specific word I am trying to learn in a sentence or the entire sentence?
- How do I master a proper accent?
- How do I push past a learning plateau to obtain fluency?
- How many cards do I need to learn a day?
- What's the IPA deck and why should I use it?
- How do I improve my listening comprehension?
- How should the 'developmental order' influence my learning strategy?
- Do I need to make up a story to learn my vocabulary words?
- Are there more than one International Phonetic Alphabets (IPA)?
- What is the Spot the Difference game?
- Can I format the cards so I can learn American Sign language (ASL)?
- How can I keep my romance languages separated?
- Can I learn more than one language at a time?
- Do you have a single page overview of the IPA alphabet?
- How many languages can someone learn?
- How can I adopt the Fluent Forever method for use with kids?
- Are frequency dictionaries worth the cost?
- Do you have any tips for maintaining multiple languages?
- Can I help create a new "Awesome Word List" in a new language?
- Where do you recommend finding audio books in a different language?
- How do I tell when it's okay to transition to a new language?
- Can I use your Anki products on a tablet, or do you recommend a different device?