If you’re using our app, then you’ve probably already encountered our Today’s Guided Learning feature. This feature provides a series of tasks we recommend the user perform based on the information we have about that user’s current level of learning. 

You came here wondering how you could accomplish a few of these aforementioned tasks.

You will find three different types of tasks:

  • Daily Streak Task
  • Today’s Task
  • Bonus Task

Many of the tasks you will see when starting will consist of having users complete a certain amount of cards for Grammar, some for Vocab, or both in some instances. These tasks will have a counter to show the users progress with that particular task.


The counter takes into account the number of cards created, but not necessarily every word or sentence, so dont worry.
To expound on that, and to jog your brain with some simple math, learning a simple word creates two flashcards towards your count or task. Creating/learning a grammar word creates at least three flashcards toward your count or the task.

The little clock at the bottom will show you approximately how long this specific task will take you to complete so you can plan ahead. 

So basically, you may complete or exceed your tasks sooner than you realize just by going through your daily routine.

Here are a few examples of sample tasks and what it would take to accomplish them with current card values:

  • A daily task of “Create 4 vocab flashcards” can be achieved by learning and creating flashcards for two simple words.  
  •  A daily task of “Create 5 vocab or grammar flashcards” can be achieved by: 
  1. Learning/creating flashcards for one simple word and one grammar word.
  2. Learning/creating three simple words.
  3. Learning/creating two grammar words.

Keep in mind that these tasks are not “standard” by any means, but they are something to strive toward for those who work better with a sort of plan or guide. Not completing the tasks will not trigger the app to throw you back to day one (unless, of course, youre on day two). Instead, the app continues to reassess and, if necessary, reassign certain tasks based on user progress. :)

When you have completed your daily tasks (Today’s Task) and your streak task (Daily Streak), you will be presented with your Bonus Tasks. The Bonus Tasks are, of course, completely optional, and you may choose to do these or leave them. We recommend doing these tasks only if you would like to progress towards fluency even faster:


Happy learning!

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